Sunday, December 7, 2008

ufw-kde - a simple firewall for Kubuntu users

Well, as I head out to UDS, I am putting together my demo of ufw-kde, a GUI front-end to ufw (the Uncomplicated Firewall), which is command line based only.

Here is a preview screenshot:


  1. Interesting design. Hope you'll credit the original!


  2. Check out the code in launchpad. I have the Credit already in there in the help menu about credits.


  3. Looks fine, but I get an error during installation:

    Processing triggers for python-support ...
    Compiling /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/ ...
    File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/", line 61
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  4. Ah yes, I have to update the deps. Python 2.5 is required for the try/except/finally clause in the code. Python 2.5 is default in Intrepid, so I initially missed that.

  5. I have added python 2.5 as a requirement to control file.

  6. Awesome. Since I moved to Kubuntu I'm looking for something useful and simple like GUFW is.

    I would suggest if you don't mind:

    1. ufw-kde... what!? I suppose you want to say KUFW =D
    2. Keep it simple! Go away with all unuseful things, plain copy original GUFW and give them the GUI credit, that a proven concept that works, why reinvent the wheel!! :D:D
    3. Add predetermined applications settings for common KDE applications like KTorrent and commonly wide used applications like amule, Deluge, Transmission (hey, it's good!), Nicotine-Plus and so on.
    4. Keepp it simple, keep it simple, keep it uncluttered.

    Many many thanks, I'm looking forward release of this cool utility, best!
